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From me


I truly believe and respect that each of us can live a happy life full of joy, appreciation, with meaningful connections with ourself and others.  This belief informs and guides the core teachings, treatments, services and practices I use professionally at Circle Wellbeing.


Sometimes in life we get 'stuck'. Now and then, we can use a little support to nudge us forward and moving in the right direction again. There are times when each of us needs to find ourself again and recover our 'mojo'. When this happens Coaching, NLP and hypnotherapy are powerful tools to help us create that catalyst and momentum into  the future we really want.


My focus is on helping you improve your level of wellbeing and find your unique ways to live the best life you can - in a way that i meaningful to you.. We remove limits, fears and obstacles and we access your particular set of skills and resources...some that you are 'under-utilising' or may not even be aware that you already have.


And so, because each of us has specific needs and preferences, I offer a variety of services from which you can choose. We can discuss this together if its not clear at the beginning. 


We now have at our fingertips the benefit of ongoing scientific research and study to show us, more and more that interventions such as Solution Focused therapy, NLP techniques, hypnotherapy, trance, Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest, mindfulness and meditation, can allow you to use your AMAZING brain to work better and more easily for us and with us towards our hopes, dreams and goals.


Our brains also tend to believe what it sees, hears and senses, so feeling visually and physically good about ourselves in a variety of ways supports a healthy frame of mind, and so with this in mind, I continue to offer physical services that promote this side of wellbeing too.



An holistic approach means that a 'circle' of services is available for you to choose from - services which encompass  spiritual or secular, physical, mental, and emotional aspects of wellbeing...all in one place! 

You choose from our 'menu' what serves you according to what you need. Think about it...when you eat out in a restaurant with friends or family, its likely you don't all order the same dish! It's the same in life - we don't all need the same support or at the same time. As we navigate our lives each has unique needs and preferences, so are we not likely to need tailored support that reflects our unique tastes, unique profile, unique hope and dreams? 


As you sit there, reading this now,

I wonder where are you right now in your life?...and do you already know just what will help you get to where you want to be or have you yet to find out? 


Perhaps you want to: 


  • reduce your anxiety

  • feel better

  • learn to relax

  • improve your mindset

  • improve your work & personal relationships,

  • improve your health and fitness

  • up your game

  • performance better

  • achieve your dreams

  • life your life free from fears and phobias 

  • shake of limiting beliefs & negative though patterns. 

  • think more positively

  • kick a habit or create a new one

  • improve your self esteem

  • calm and train your brain to work for effectively for you, instead of holding you back

  • improve clarity of intent, enjoyable actions, interactions and positive focus


With Janie you will learn how your brain works for you, just what happens when you experience stressors, and how to deal with this natural reaction.


How would it be to experience lasting change, find coping mechanisms and useful strategies that are right for you, see real progress, manage mental, physical and emotional symptoms.


With a bit of know how, presence, patience, persistence and the right attention you really can significantly reduce negative impacts of stress in your everyday life ~ so that you can get on with doing all those things that make life feel great.



Head to the 'Services' page to explore.


Interventions such as Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic Programming techniques & change processes will support you to experience a shift so you can get 'unstuck'.  

Create the change you want to see in your life.​




I hope this site is a useful tool for you to explore and learn more about what might feel right for you and what can be done to support your own personal wellbeing.


Please do feel free to connect.


Hold the Vision, Trust the Process ~ unknown.


In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

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